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Cloudflare R2 Storage

Table of Contents

This extension is available for purchase in the Marketplace. With Cloudflare seamlessly integrated into MagicAI, you can  store your all content securely in the cloud. Experience enhanced security, lightning-fast performance, and limitless scalability with MagicAI & CloudFlare.

Setting up CloudFlare R2

1. Visit Cloudflare Website

Access using your web browser.

2. Log In (Existing Users)

If you already have a Cloudflare account, log in using your credentials.

3. Create an Account (New Users)

For those without a Cloudflare account, refer to this article for assistance in creating one.

4. Subscribe to R2 Option

Navigate to the menu and select the “R2” option. If you’re unsure, consult the provided article for guidance.

Subcscribe to CloudFlare
5. Create a Bucket

Go to your Cloudflare dashboard. Choose “R2” from the sidebar. Click on the “Create bucket” button.

Create a Bucket
6. Manage R2 API Tokens

From the R2 page, find and select “Manage R2 API Tokens”. Click on the “Create API Token” button.

Manage R2 API Tokens
7. Add Website

Click on the “Websites” and add your website.

Add Website
8. Add DNS

During the subsequent steps, add the DNS addresses provided to you as nameservers for your domain names.

9. Connect Domain

After completing the steps, go to the menu and navigate to R2 > Your-bucket-name > Settings. Then connect your domain name and grant access permissions.

Connect Domain
10. Create a New Token with Read & Write Permissions

Click on the “Create Token” button to generate the token and enable Read & Write event.

Configuring MagicAI for CloudFlare R2

1. CloudFlare Integration
  1. Open your dashboard and navigate to Settings > CloudFlare R2.
  2. Add your corresponding CloudFlare Details in this form.
  3. Enter the domain URL as a subdomain using ‘image’. For example:
MagicAI Configuration
2. Set Default Storage to Cloudflare R2
  1. Log in to your MagicAI dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Settings page.
  3. Go to the Storage section.
  4. Select Cloudflare R2 as the default storage option.
  5. Save the changes.
Default Storage


By following these steps, you’ve successfully configured MagicAI to use Cloudflare R2 as the default storage option. This allows you to leverage the benefits of Cloudflare’s robust infrastructure for storing and managing your data seamlessly.